Should You Buy or Sell First?

You have options. Use the following as a guide to explore what might be the best move for you and ask Nicole McKenzie to assist you making your decision. If you are a current home owner thinking about purchasing a new home, then you may wonder what your strategy should be?

Do you wait to find the perfect new home before you put your current home on the market? Do you sell first and then look around?

Nicole knows what is happening in the market today and how it affects your decision.

Check out Nicole’s article on Should You Buy or Sell First?

How much does it cost to sell a home?

I offer a variety of packages suitable for all budgets.

How much does it cost to buy a home?

In the most common scenario, the Buyer’s Representative is paid by the Seller through the Listing Brokerage and there is no cost to the Buyer to have a Realtor working for them.

How long does it take to sell a home?

This depends on the current market and price range of your home. I will provide you with this information during your consultation.

How long does it take to buy a home?

There is no “average” time.  I have helped many buyers who have purchased the very first home we viewed together and I have helped others who have searched for several months.  It will take as long as it takes for you to find “the one”.  I have many clients who will attest to my patience throughout the process, however long it took!

What does "100% referral based" mean?

I work with people who I know or who have been referred to me. I do not engage in any cold lead generation. My time is spent primarily on helping my Buyers find and purchase a home and helping my Sellers sell their home.

*If you are reading this and you have not been referred to me, you are welcome to connect and depending on my present capacity, I may or may not be able to assist you personally. If I am unable to help you personally, I have a great team who can help!

What is your 100% Satisfaction Guarantee?

A contract is needed when you hire a Realtor to help you buy or sell a home. If at any time during our contract period you are unhappy with the service I am providing then you may be released from our contract.